Wheatgrass, The Miracle Superfood + How to Make Wheat Grass Juice!

Video Transcription:

Hey guys, it's Dan. What's going on? Today I'm going to share with you how I like to make wheat grass. It's been a while since I've had a chance to get any really good what grass so I'm really glad to have some nice healthy looking wheat grass here. I tried to work on the camera angle. Bear with me if you can. Let me just show you what I do.

I come in here and I just grab a nice fat handful. Right? Then I just cut it off as low as I can, get down there. I've got my super ultra heavy duty miracle wheat grass juicer. I just put this though the top. It's just easy as pie. Its a little bit loose right now. It's been a while since I've used this so I'll tighten it up with my scissors here acting as a tool. We'll juice up a couple of little squares of wheat grass. How does that sound?

Again, just grab it. I'll try to get you guys to see, this is educational purposes only. The main thing I wanted to share was … Most of you all are going to go to the juice bar or whatever to get your wheat grass, but wheat grass has been … It's one of my favorite bio-regenerative foods. It just works at the level of the DNA and it keeps the DNA from unraveling as far as I'm concerned. It keeps the information of life within the cell, so it's always kept me just nice and ripped.

Even in the hard days when I was doing everything else wrong, I was drinking a lot of wheat grass. A friend of mine told me maybe ten years ago. He said, if you want wheat grass to work, you've got to do it every day. I was doing maybe a shot, a 2 ounce shot, maybe once a week during the body building years. He said you got to do it every day. I started doing it every day and I really noticed a huge improvement in my workouts. I would go and get wheat grass before the workout and I would just notice that oxygen levels were just way better. I could wok out harder. I could work out longer and I was just really amazed.

Over the last ten years, I've done many many wheat grass experiments and I've got to tell you. Wheat grass is one of those things that just always continues to amaze me and impress me and it just works for me. I guess there's a lot of people out there that are like, oh, it's just grass or whatever. Would you really eat grass? Yes. Humans would eat grass if it was the only thing coming up out of the snow, you would eat it to stay alive. You would benefit by it greatly. [sc:leadpages-insiders] The other thing to about grass is that it absorbs all ninety two of the elements that you need. All ninety two elements. It takes out of the soil, it absorbs from the ether and through biological transmutation, creates everything that you need to thrive. I am a huge fan of wheat grass. I'll drink wheat grass forever. I drink a lot of wheat grass and I like it. I'm going to continue the practice and I have no plans of stopping any time soon.

Like I said, it's one of the greatest bio-regenerative foods that humans have access to at this time. If you want to lose weight, increase athletic output. It keeps the hair nice. It keeps the eyes. I have eyesight that is unreal. People are like, I can't see that. I'm like You can't see that eagle over there? About two miles away that just got a fish? They are like, man. I can't see nothing. People are always amazed. I'm like, can you see that little red thing over there? They are like, what? I can't see nothing. I don't know, the wheat grass has really, as far as I know, helped my eyesight.

A couple of my favorite foods in my journey of raw foods health and healing has been the wheat grass and the super blue green algae. I've done experiments. I'll go off the algae for three months, and I'll be like, wow. Then I'll go back on the algae. The algae is a brain food, man. Algae keeps me on the super positive side of life. Wheat grass is always been so blood cleansing. I can be in a state of acidosis from too many nuts, or too much stress. I just bust out the wheat grass shots and it just loosens up the tissues, alkalizes the blood. Its instant alkalinity. If you don't know, headaches are caused by acidosis. Stiffness is caused by acidosis. Pain is caused by acidosis and wheat grass is just very highly alkalizing food. It's food for me. It's a medicine for me really. This is medicinal stuff here, man. I love it.

I would say if you are trying to lose weight, gain health. I would say get your wheat grass going and you're stomach, of course, the viruses and the bacteria that make up your micro flora in your GI tract, a lot of people have some seriously backed up wacky crazy stuff that they've been storing in there for years so the parasites and worms that do exist, medical doctors will probably tell you no no no, but they have not seen what I have seen coming out of people.

Inside your GI tract, when you take a shot of wheat grass, it isn't you that's getting sick. It's the bacteria and viruses that have gotten too far over to one side. Proliferating off the sugars, the yeast, the chocolate, the fat, the excess metabolic waste that tend to coagulate in the cells. That's what the viruses and bacteria that are un-beneficial … There's beneficial and there's harmful bacteria. They are all in there and it's okay, but once they get too far to one side, candida does not iek wheat grass. It can't stand it. If you've got any type of issues int he GI tract and you start drinking wheat grass and you feel like vomiting, it's not you that doesn't like the wheat grass. It's all those viruses and bacterias that would rather have bread, milk, cheese, chocolate, cereals, grans that they feed off of and proliferate. The minute you put this down there, they are like, oh my god! What are you doing. [sc:RYL-Blog-Content-1] This is how I've always kept my micro-flora and my GI tract in balance. I can drink twenty seven ounces of wheat grass, just like I did the other day with my friend Dave, and Krista can only drink two. She's really still working on the GI tract. She's really still working on the lymphatic system. You've got to break thought those barriers by educating yourself. Read some books about it. Get some ideas. Try to take what I'm saying here today and contemplate that for a while. Think about what's going on in your GI tract.

Anyway, this is the next step here. To filter the wheat grass. Nice little, that's about, Oh, I don't know, probably four ounces of wheat grass, which is a pretty good amount of wheat grass for one guy for one medicinal treatment for the day. I just got back from a long bike ride and I did some yoga with Rodney Yi on the DVD. That was awesome. I'm trying to do more Yoga and it was really great for a lot of … it just make me feel really relaxed and calm. It was really good for my brain this morning. I've been really wanting to stretch out more, get more flexible.

Its about one o'clock, so this is basically my breakfast. I think it's a really good way to go. I'm doing my best to eat light. And I'm doing okay.

Ooh, we got it. That is coconut wheat grass and this is my over all favorite drink. There's my breakfast. You can't go wrong. It's just going to flush the kidneys, alkalize the blood, and to me it tastes great. I just wanted to share a little bit about one of my favorite things, wheat grass, coconut milk, or coconut water, and just spreading the love. Sharing everything I know about everything. Stay young with wheat grass. Alkalize the blood with herbs and green juices and get your energy from fruits and small amounts of nuts and you'll be good to go.[sc:leadpages-insiders]